My Life as a Movie Monday: The Incredibles


I am so totally wearing this to Corporate World for Halloween

Good morning all! How were your weekends? I’m happy to report that, after a week of trying to find my balance and catch my breath, my weekend was the perfect mix of party dresses and pajama pants.

Literally. That’s all I wore all weekend, and it was fantastic.

When I wasn’t at home perfecting my chocolate cake in a mug recipe, I was getting all dolled up to volunteer at a gala fundraiser event. Supporting a great cause and I got to wear feathers in my hair! Now if that’s not a perfect balance, then I don’t know what is.

Now let’s see if we can keep this excellent equilibrium going all week, shall we? Starting, of course, with pretending that my real life is something else altogether. Last week I,

So, last week, my life as a movie was “The Incredibles”

The Incredibles movie poster

That’s “me” there on the right. With the swishy hair. Of course.

Ok, so technically I’m not living in suburbia with my retired-superhero parents, but last week I was totally channeling superhero-in-training Violet Parr. If you haven’t seen “The Incredibles” then let me tell you, Violet is about seven kinds of awesome. She’s a teenager, so she’s struggling with all of the usual angst about not fitting in, but it turns out that all of the things that make her different are also the things that make her … about seven kinds of awesome! I won’t tell you about her superpowers; you’ll have to watch the movie to find out just how she saves the day.

Suffice to say, I had started the week feeling just a tad overwhelmed with everything that was going on, but I finished it feeling like I could figure out a way to make it all work. Like I said at the beginning of this post, hopefully this new sense of balance will stick around for a while! In the meantime, tell me all about your weekends in the Comments, won’t you?

love amb

33 thoughts on “My Life as a Movie Monday: The Incredibles

    • Yum! I love everything on that list, except for the “ran out of vodka” part. 😉 Sounds like a pretty deLizious weekend to me! (Sorry, haven’t had my coffee yet. Corny puns are about all I can manage, at this stage!)

      • but it turned out to be a happy thing to run out of vodka as I used tequila instead and that one jar, which I poured off this weekend, tastes like a crabapple margarita!!! I have one more batch of crabapples left and am using tequila on purpose this time.

        Only meant to submit one comment earlier, but that derned keyboard sent before I was ready.

        One more add-on to my weekend: stayed up very very late (past when I sent my comment) to make it through the season finale of Ugly Betty. All done. Liked the storylines very much.

        Hope your Monday is ever so well balanced 😀

      • Crabapple margarita!! Awesomesauce! (Get it? Sauce?! Like alcohol?!). Hmm. My day turned out to be balanced but it looks like my puns are just as bad at the end as they were at the beginning 😉

        No worries about the comment! I totally got the gist. Always do with you, my friend 🙂

        Whoohoo on Ugly Betty! I’m so glad you enjoyed. Totally worth the lack of sleep (said the girl who always picks tv over sleep, and then ends up not being able to sleep, because Luther is too scary).

  1. writing, reading, playing with grand babies, music, leaf raking, shopping for feathers for my costume, then a bad flu came and ruined the end of it, but today is another day and all is well again.

    • Oooh! Feathers for your costume!? Tell me more!! 🙂 So sorry to hear you had the flu, but glad you’re on the mend and ready to take on the week.

      • thanks and all better today. my teaching team and i are all going to be birds for halloween, we’ve been teaching the kindergarten about birds and thought they would like that. we are going to be: a flamingo, a chicken, a peacock and a cardinal. i ended up being a cardinal because i found the perfect thing to wear that was red and was 3.25 at the salvation army. just need some feathers, some tights, long gloves and a crest and away we go –

      • Oh my goodness, a cardinal, I love it. Your kindergardeners are going to get such a kick out of your costumes! That sounds like so much fun! I hope you’ll be sharing pictures after the big day 🙂

  2. Glad you found your balance this weekend. It was chaos-wonderful here. 🙂

    Finished testing all the Halloween displays and prepped 147 candles for the tombstones. Menu planning tonight for the party . . . Three days and counting.

  3. Aww, I love this movie! When it fist came out on video, my baby brother decided he was Dash and I was Violet, and for a whole month he watched it over and over and refused to call me anything other than Violet. He was so cute. Hehe, thanks for triggering that memory!

  4. You, of course, chose a fabulous movie.
    So glad to hear your weekend was the picture of balance! Pajamas and party dresses (and chocolate mug cake) sound about right to me.

    My weekend was a blur of family dinners, retirement parties, church, cooking, cleaning, and laundry. *sigh* Not glamorous, but hugely productive. I plan on settling down with The Walking Dead tonight to balance it out . 😉

    • Thank you! I try. Every Monday I think this is my favourite blog feature. And then Wednesday comes and I change my mind. And then Friday comes and you and I get to talk about how much fun it is to say things like “whooshing hootenany” … and so it goes on. 😀

      Your weekend sounds wonderful. Hugely productive + family time + good food = good for the soul. And now you get to chill out with the zombie hordes! Win win !! 😉 Hope you’re having a fabulous night Kaela!

  5. I had a whole comment..and it went POOF!!! But the last part is the most important and that is: You definitely have superpowers!! I just want to know..what color is your cape?? xo

I'd love to hear what you think!